Payment Getway Integration

  • Paypal
  • Stripe
  • Amazon Pay
  • PayFort
  • RazorPay
  • PayU
  • Plaid
  • AliPay
  • DPO
  • UbPay
  • In App Purchase
  • Google Pay
  • MasterCard
  • Apple Pay
  • Dibbs Payment
  • BetalingService
  • Paytab
  • VISA

Payment gateway is a service provider that provides payment authorization. Basically, it’s a software application connecting a website with the bank, so that the customers can pay you right there on the spot without leaving their apartment.

This type of service can be used by anybody, including eCommerce websites, other service providers that want their users to pay online, and even non-profit organizations that collect donations online.

There are many different payment gateways, including Stripe, PayPal,, Google Checkout and direct MasterCard/Visa payments.

Payment gateways can execute the following transaction types :


A type of transaction used to check if a customer has enough funds to pay. It doesn’t include the actual money transfer. Instead, during authorization, a merchant ensures that a cardholder is capable of paying for an ordered item. An authorization transaction is used for orders that take time to ship/manufacture.


The actual processing of a previously authorized payment resulting in funds being sent to the merchant’s account.


A combination of authorization and capture transactions. A cardholder is first authorized. Then funds may or maybe not captured. It’s a regular payment for immediate purchases, like a subscription purchase, or e-tickets.


The result of a canceled order for which a merchant will have to apply a refund payment processing to return the money.


Similar to refund but can be done if funds were not yet captured.